
Easter Chelsea Buns

9 Servings

3 hours

Rhubarb and lemon curd pots

Rhubarb and Lemon Curd Pots

4 Servings

35 minutes

Self-saucing Lemon Sponge served ina white dish with a portion removed to see the filling

Self-saucing Lemon Sponge

2 Servings

60 minutes

Hot cross bun pudding served in a white dish

Hot Cross Bun Pudding

6 Servings

80 minutes

Chocolate Mini Nests decorated with chcolate eggs in spotty cake cases

Chocolate Mini Nests

7 Servings

45 minutes

Simnel cake decorated with crystalised flowers, on a glass dish with a slice removed

Simnel Cake

7 Servings

140 minutes