Witches Cauldron Chocolate Dipping Pot With Ghost Marshmallows

Witches Cauldron Chocolate Dipping Pot With Ghost Marshmallows
  • 4 servings
  • 15 minutes to prepare
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  • 150ml double cream
  • 150g milk or dark chocolate, chopped into small pieces or grated
  • 25g white chocolate
  • 24 candy eyes
  • 12 large marshmallows
  • 12 cocktail sticks
  • 1 small cup or decorative witch-style small cauldron



  1. In a saucepan, bring the double cream to a simmer and remove from the heat.
  2. Add the chocolate and gently stir until thick and glossy, set aside and keep warm.
  3. Carefully melt the white chocolate in a glass bowl over a pan of simmering water (taking care that the water doesn’t touch the bowl) or the microwave and dip the back of each candy eye and stick them to the marshmallows.
  4. To serve, pour the chocolate sauce into a suitable container and dip the marshmallows into the sauce with a cocktail stick.

Chef’s Tip:
To keep the Halloween vibe going, try dipping sliced toffee apples in the sauce for a tasty treat.