Father Christmas Cupcakes

- 1 pack white ready to roll icing
- 1 pack ready to roll marzipan
- 1 pack ready to roll red icing
- 1 tube black writing icing for the eyes
Our Father Christmas Cupcakes are a fun and different way to enjoy a traditional festive cake. If you’re not a fan of fruit cake just use the instructions to decorate your favourite cupcake recipe.
- Prepare the Booths ‘Easiest Christmas cake recipe ever’ cake batter which can be found here, following the alcohol free version. Divide the mixture between a 12 hole cupcake tin and bake in the oven until a skewer comes out clean. The timings depend on the size of tin you use, so keep an eye on them from 30 minutes onwards, they will take approximately 45 minutes to bake.
- Leave in the tin to cool slightly before transeferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
- Roll out the marzipan. Cut a circle of marzipan to fit the top of each cupcake – we used a cookie cutter – and place one on top of each cake.
- Roll out the white icing. Cut small circles for Father Christmas’ beard. Use a small circular cutter, or we found that the lid from a piping bag was just the right size. We needed about 10 per cake. Arrange them in beard formation onto the bottom half of each cake, slightly overlapping each other. Press them into position with your thumb. Put the remaining icing to one side.
- Roll out the red icing. Cut a hat shape out for each cake – we used the same cookie cutter as we did for the marzipan to ensure a good fit. Take the white icing and cut a trimming strip the right width for each hat. Press the red hat onto the top of each cake followed by the trimming, positioning it so it meets the beard either side. Take a cocktail stick and stipple the white hat trimming to give it some texture.
- Roll out a small sausage of red icing, about 2″ in length. Make one end slightly pointed. Press on top of the red part of the hat on the cake, starting about halfway across with the wider end. Press the wider end flatter to the cake and curve the pointed end round to the left, leaving it quite 3D. Add a white bobble to the pointed end, stippling it the same way as you did the trim.
- Create a small moustache from white icing by rolling two small sausages and sticking to the cake, overlapping the beard slightly.
- Finally, pipe on two dots for eyes and using the cocktail stick, create a dip in the marzipan face for the nose.