From a Base to Booths

Located in Lancashire, our Burscough store opened in july 2015, its recofniseable and unique aircraft hangar style shape is by no coincidence. It’s sited on the former 650 acre HMS Ringtail airfield which was a Fleet Air Arm naval air station commissioned in September 1943 and originally used for fighter sqadrons With the store designed to preserve and acknowledge the site’s proud history.
During the construction of the Ringtail Retail Park, the existing memorial to those who served at the airbase was relocated and rededicated within a new memorial garden, located to the left of the store if you would like to visit it.
Within the memorial garden you can say a little hello to a life size, bronze sculpture of a Fleet Air Arm pilot, positioned to watch over the former airfield that we affectionately named ‘Frank’. Commissioned by North West sculptor, Peter Hodgkinson. We hope the local community use the memorial garden as a time to pause and reflect and enjoy it over the coming years as much as we do.
Hello Burscough
Our colleagues at Burscough store are keen fund raisers for local charities and over the years they have raised thousands of pounds. They get up to all sorts! Including the annual (and occasionally very wet) raft races in the canal as part of the Burscough heritage weekend, fancy dress days and a few male colleagues facing an eye-watering charity leg wax.
Fun aside, their hard work is testimony to the local charities they have supported, including the funding for an outdoor sensory room for The Alfie Lund Fund, and recently, funds for Lifting Louis.
We think Burscough’s Trading Manager Liz sums it up perfectly:

“Serving our local community is so important to us, now more than ever – we have such an amazing team spirit here. If you’re down, you’re never down for long as we all look out for each other. Working at Burscough is like a home from home, one big happy family!”
A Christmas ‘Carole’

Each year for the Booths Christmas Book we hold a recipe competition for our colleagues to feature their seasonal delights delights. Carole from Burscough entered our 2020 competition and won!
We simply couldn’t resist her delightful golden caramel shortbread and she’s shared her secret to these sweet treats with us. If you haven’t tried them over the festive period, you can find the recipe here.
We also asked Carole what she enjoys most about working at Burscough store:
I love the team spirit and banter and that I feel appreciated and my good work is recognised by all management and colleagues – it’s always busy and there is always something to do.
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