
Gourmet Potato Salad, served in a grey bowl, topped with pumpkin seeds and parsley

Gourmet Potato Salad

4 Servings

30 minutes

Tomato and Chilli Passata served ina glass jar, surrounded by vine tomatoes, chillies and onions.

Tomato & Chilli Passata

4 Servings

30 minutes to cook, 10 minutes

Tomato, Lime and Jalepeno Salsa served in a glass bowl, with a spoon lifting a portion out, surrounde by vine tomatoes and lime wedges.

Tomato, Lime & Jalapeno Salsa

2 Servings

10 minutes

Tomato, Tapenade and Anchovy Tart served on baking parchment and topped with watercress

Tomato, Tapenade & Anchovy Tart

2 Servings

30 minutes

Pasta and Bean Soup served in a blue bowl topped with chopped parsley

Pasta and Bean Soup

4 Servings

Cook 30 minutes, 10 minutes