
Lapsang Souchong Poached Salmon served in a white bowl with chopsticks and toppped with sesame and nigella seeds

Lapsang Souchong Poached Salmon

4 Servings

35 minutes

Brazilian Seafood Stewserved on a bowl with toasted ciabatta on the side

Brazilian Seafood Stew

6 Servings

15 Minutes

Fish Kebabs with Chermoula Sauce served on a white plate with a wedge of grilled lemon

Fish Kebabs with Chermoula Sauce

4 Servings

1 Hour 25 Minutes

Harissa Salmon with Herby Tabbouleh served on a white plate with a lemon wedge on the side

Harissa Salmon with Herby Tabbouleh

4 Servings

35 Minutes