We’re very proud of our Cheesemongers in store, and the colleagues who look after them. Territorial cheese is one of the foodie gems of the Northern counties we call home, so naturally you’ll find some of the finest handmade examples at the Cheesemonger. Our ethos is to offer cheeses which have something to say, whether they’re from the region or simply the best of their type.

We specialise in cheese that has a story, whether it’s Mrs Kirkham’s Lancashire, still made with the equipment used by Graham Kirkham’s grandmother, or Wensleydale made with raw milk for a rounder flavour as it once was in the farmhouses of the dales. Our 100-strong range also incorporates some great European cheeses including Spanish Montenebro, wonderful served drizzled with honey.

With all this to choose from, we expect customers to need some guidance and perhaps a sliver of something to try. Our cheese specialists visit our favourite dairies to find out how their cheese is made and why it tastes so good. They might even have met the cows!

Featured Recipes

Chive Crackers served on a wooden cheese board with a selection of cheese and chutneys

The Boho Baker's Chive Crackers

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Northern Dough Co Cheesy Stuffed Doughballs served in a black tin, next to a bowl of soup to eat with

Cheesy Stuffed Doughballs

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Booths Sourdough Rarebit served on a roasting tray with one portion sliced in half

Booths Sourdough Rarebit

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Our Producers

cheese board

Mrs Kirkham's Lancashire Cheese

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Shepherds Purse

Shepherds Purse Cheese

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