Booths Charity Partnerships

Booths Charity Partnerships

In addition to the collaborations each of our stores and sites have with local charities, Booths, as a whole, also partners with several remarkable charitable organisations. Discover more about our latest partnerships below.

Cure Leukaemia (registered charity no: 1100154). Tap the plus symbol to read more

We are supporting blood cancer charity Cure Leukaemia by funding Haematology Research Nurse Denise, based at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals, which will benefit blood cancer patients across Lancashire and Cumbria.

We’ve pledged to fund Denise for a minimum of two years.

What do research nurses do?

Research Nurses help connect patients to potentially lifesaving medicine and their role in administering clinical trials is vital to developing effective new treatments for blood cancers.  As a result, patients have access to new treatments, allowing them access to lifesaving new therapies.

Denise says,

The funding from Booths for my role as Cure Leukaemia research nurse at Blackpool teaching hospitals has already made an enormous difference. Our focus is to ensure that all Leukaemia research trials are available to our patients in Lancashire and South Cumbria and increase recruitment to these important trials to make a difference for Leukaemia patients and their families. Having a lead nurse for Leukaemia trials allows the rest of the haematology research team to focus more on other blood cancer trials, such as for lymphoma and myeloma. These trials can be complex, it takes a whole team to be involved as well as clinical areas, so having the right number of staff in this area is vital if we want our communities to be able to have the option to take part.

Being involved with patients at what must be one of the hardest and most uncertain times of their lives is something that I do not take for granted, an essential part of my role is working with trials units, consultants, the patient and clinical areas ensuring that I can do my best to make their research journey as smooth as possible. It is important that all types of data are gathered to inform us of outcomes for the patient, that data is then used and analysed to gather the best evidence to inform future care at a National, sometimes global level. Of course, we have an amazing team across our whole haematology unit and within the research department, research is an addition for our patients who already receive high-quality care.

Nigel Murray, Managing Director, explained:

Funding a local and dedicated leukaemia research nurse in Blackpool is something we are incredibly proud to do. Dedicated research nurses play such a vital role in medicine, their role in administering treatment, supporting the patients and giving wider and crucial insight in how a patient copes with treatment is invaluable. By helping to fund this position, it means that the Blackpool and Lancashire area have a much greater propensity to treat a wider range of leukaemia for patients and their families to go through, in what are quite difficult treatment processes.

Dr Paul Cahalin, Consultant Haematologist, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals commented:

The benefits cannot be overstated. We can’t overstate how grateful we are to the Booths team, and the generosity of Booths customers. Raising money in the local communities where our patients live is important. Accessing treatments locally helps patients and families lead more normal lives while they receive treatment, being nearer to home makes a real difference to their overall well-being and quality of life.

To have the ability to have an exclusively leukaemia-based nurse that is guaranteed for the next two years is wonderful and will not only improve the staffing levels within our research team but will give that security and understanding that leukaemia research is so integral to the work that we do here in Blackpool.

James McLaughlin, Chief Executive at Cure Leukaemia added,

We are thrilled to be continuing our relationship with Booths and are incredible excited about increasing Cure Leukaemia’s national footprint further with the addition of Blackpool Hospital. The support of Booths has been invaluable to the charity over the last two years and we can’t thank Nigel, Edwin and their team enough. Dr Cahalin leads an inspiring team who are providing lifesaving support for blood cancer patients across the Lancashire and Cumbria area and we are excited to see what they can achieve over the next two years.

The Natasha Allergy Research Foundation (England and Wales registered charity no: 1181098, and in Scotland no: SC051610). Tap the plus symbol to read more

In 2024, Booths has entered into a 3-year strategic partnership with The Natasha Allergy Research Foundation, the UK’s food allergy charity, helping to support the organisation’s goal to Make Allergy History.

Nigel Murray, Booths Managing Director, says:

At Booths we see it as our responsibility to support the work being carried out by Tanya, Nadim and the team at Natasha’s Foundation. The potential to improve the daily lives of so many is significant, and the recent update from The Natasha Clinical Trial was promising.

Natasha’s Foundation was set up in 2019 by Tanya and Nadim Ednan-Laperouse after their daughter Natasha died aged 15 from a severe allergic reaction to sesame.

Through campaigning, education and research, the charity’s mission is to make allergy history, starting with food allergy, and improve the lives of the millions of people in the UK with food allergies.

The Natasha Allergy Research Foundation is the only allergy charity dedicated to medical research. It wants to understand what is causing the dramatic rise in allergic disease — and develop ways to prevent, treat and ultimately eradicate it, creating a world that is safe for everyone.

Booths’ support is helping the charity to carry out critical medical research such as The Natasha Clinical Trial which is already transforming the lives of children living with food allergies.

The Natasha Clinical Trial is pioneering medical research that the charity hopes will allow children with food allergies to live without the fear of a potentially fatal reaction. The trial uses daily doses of everyday food products, taken under strict medical supervision, rather than expensive pharmaceuticals to train the bodies of children and young people with food allergies to tolerate an allergen. Some children on the trial are now able to consume and tolerate the very foods which previously would have triggered a severe allergic reaction.

Tanya Ednan-Laperouse OBE, co-founder of The Natasha Allergy Research Foundation, says:

The unprecedented rise in allergic disease over the last 30 years means there has never been a more important time to understand what is fuelling the global allergy epidemic. That’s why we are delighted that Booths are joining us in the fight to #MakeAllergyHistory. Their support is funding the important work we are doing to raise awareness of food allergies and carry out new scientific research.

Read more about The Natasha Allergy Research Foundation on their website by tapping here.